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I have three fabulous children and a terrific husband. I was recently laid off and have decided to try the stay-at-home gig. We'll see how it goes!

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Twinge of sadness

To this point, my experience as a stay at home mom has been quite nice.  I truly enjoy being with my son all day.  It's been great.  Today, however, I finally got around to putting away all the "stuff" I brought home from work:  text books, pictures, an unbelievable amount of notes, back up drives and calendars (yes, the paper kind).  I kept every calendar I used while working in the lab, all 6 years worth and believe me they have come in handy.  While putting all that stuff away, I started crying and could not stop.  It's like the wound has been reopened.

I miss it.  I miss the ladies and one lone guy I worked with.  They were and are fun.  They made all the stress and disappointment that comes with being in research bearable.  As crazy as it seems, I even miss the work; designing experiments, trouble shooting.  Now all those years of work are held in one drawer of a filing cabinet and one and a half shelves of a book shelf.  Pretty sad.  A big chunk of who I was just got filed and may never be opened again.  

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