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I have three fabulous children and a terrific husband. I was recently laid off and have decided to try the stay-at-home gig. We'll see how it goes!

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

They're everywhere!

I find that when I was a working mom they did not bother me.  I ignored them in fact and if I did pay them any attention, I just thought, "Ah, I'll worry about it later."  Later was today.  I've been a SAHM for almost a month and there is no way to ignore them anymore.  They've been calling to me; nagging me everyday, never letting me forget they exist.  They are EVERYWHERE!  I finally couldn't take it anymore.  I fetched the tool I would need from the hall closet and went to work.  At first it was overwhelming.  There were so many of them.  Then I got into a rhythm and before long I was starting to make some headway.  A good hour later I was done, I had conquered my foe..... the cobweb.  Finally my house is cobweb free.  I even vacuumed the tops of all the door jams and the fan blades.  I don't think I've ever done that.  I've always been envious of the clean SAHM home.  Now I know why their homes are so clean.  It's not because they have tons of time on their hands and there's nothing else to do.  They have clean homes because they'd go crazy if they didn't.  The mess is just there, constantly staring you in the face, daring you to try and clean it up.  I just might lose my mind.

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