About Me

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I have three fabulous children and a terrific husband. I was recently laid off and have decided to try the stay-at-home gig. We'll see how it goes!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012


It's official.  I am a full-fledged stay at home mom.  I know I've been home for almost three months, but I now own fancy cleaning gloves.  They are called Glam-gloves in fact.  They are a beautiful green with a funky mosaic pattern.  I decided that if my primary job after taking care of the kids is going to be keeping my house clean, that I should look great doing it.  I've never really used cleaning gloves before and I must say it makes a huge difference.  Not only do I walk away from a previously dirty toilet not smelling like cleaning chemicals, but I'm far less grossed out by the whole process.  And now that I can finally bend at the middle again, I've been able to hand-scrub the floors in the bathrooms.  I've been dreaming about getting that done for 4 or 5 months now.  I do love the smell of Pine Sol!

Now all I need is a sexy apron and I'm good to go.

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