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I have three fabulous children and a terrific husband. I was recently laid off and have decided to try the stay-at-home gig. We'll see how it goes!

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Kids... 'nough said

Yesterday my daughter gets in the car after school and informs me that she has grass stains on her clothes.  Through a few questions I find out the grass stains were actually on her socks.  Which I thought was really strange since she was wearing boots.  When I asked if she took her shoes off at recess she said, "No."  When I informed her that it would be very difficult to get grass stains on her socks with her shoes on; especially when there were no stains on her shoes, she began to spin a web of possible explanations.  The first was that the grass went through her shoes when she fell into some holes on the playground.  She immediately sensed my disbelief and began to describe how grass fell down into her shoes and how that happens to everyone.  After a while she finally admitted she took her shoes off.  I didn't even care.  I just wanted to know.  Kids are crazy!

Speaking of kids.  After almost 9 months of timer setting, cleaning poopy underwear and pee from the floor my son has finally decided he wants to go on the toilet.  I'm extremely happy and hope he doesn't revert.  I don't know what changed his mind, but I'm super ecstatic that he has!

And the baby, my sweet baby.  Suddenly she's decided that naps are overrated.  It's hard to complain since she sleeps 10 hours a night, but when no naps is accompanied by a constant need to be held I don't get much done during the day.

I've decided however, that being a SAHM has made me a better mom.  Practice certainly does make perfect.  They say it takes 10,000 hours to be truly good at something.  Before I was probably averaging about 7 hours a day of mothering.  If I assume that I'm mothering about 18 hours a day now, I only have 346 more days until I'm a good SAHM.  Right now my husband is out of town and I'm calm, the kids are in bed on time and everyone has been behaving.  Progress... definite progress.

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