About Me

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I have three fabulous children and a terrific husband. I was recently laid off and have decided to try the stay-at-home gig. We'll see how it goes!

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

So what's new with you?

It finally happened.  A single friend of mine asked me what was new with me.  What is new with me?  Not much.  The kids have been behaving.  The baby has settled into a nice routine that includes sleeping 10-12 hours a night and we're getting ready for school to start.  Not really exciting information for some one who lives a life of freedom.  Another mom might find my time out anecdotes funny or want to hear about the newest recipe I tried, but I can't imagine it's that interesting to some one who's single and has an interesting job.

I felt boring.  I had nothing interesting to contribute to the conversation.  It's only been 5 and a half months since my last day at work and my life has become dimensionless.  I used to be a mom, a wife, a researcher, a commuter, a teacher and a student just to name a few.  That list is now down to a wife and mom.  I'm sure if I really thought about it there would be more to the list, but right now, that's all I've got.  I've really got to find time for a hobby.

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