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I have three fabulous children and a terrific husband. I was recently laid off and have decided to try the stay-at-home gig. We'll see how it goes!

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

More Fatherly Advice

I love my husband.  He is hi-lar-i-ous.  He is truly a great father and is very concerned with our children's education.  He reads to them, corrects their grammar and tries to answer every one of their questions.  But he also provides them with valuable life lessons that can only be taught by a parent.

We took the kids out to lunch the other day and bought them ice cream cones.  Surprisingly, our kids are able to eat cones with little to no mess.  However, my husband feels it is imperative that they learn how to smoosh down their ice cream so it fills the whole cone.  I watched for about 5 minutes as my husband tried to explain/demonstrate the art of ice cream smooshing.  Of course he had to help them and ended up decreasing the amount of ice cream left in their cones, but as a parent, you do what you've got to do.

A few mornings later, the lesson was all about how to drink your cereal milk.  This has long been a tradition in our house and my husband is a master.  My amateur son dared to drink his milk from the side of the bowl and my husband's yellow flag went out.  No worries though.  My husband took the time teach my son to properly drink his cereal milk from the corner of the bowl.  And thank goodness.  We're about to have company and I don't know what I would do if my son drank his milk from the side of the bowl!  I would be utterly embarrassed.


Kelley said...

my bowls don't have corners...

The Unplanned Housewife said...

We've had square bowls for so long I forgot that most people don't. I'll have to ask my husband what he would do with a round bowl.