About Me

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I have three fabulous children and a terrific husband. I was recently laid off and have decided to try the stay-at-home gig. We'll see how it goes!

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Do They Believe Me

I sometimes wonder if people believe me.  I know I'm prone to exaggeration, but on the important things, I don't lie.  When my children ask me a question, (with the exception of SC, EB, and TF questions of existence), I tell them the truth.  I learned a long, long time ago that there is no point in lying.  Some one ALWAYS finds out.  But what do you do when what really happened sounds like a lie?

When my oldest was 2 she was hit in the head by a flying toy truck at daycare.  The toy truck was thrown by a boy sitting about 3 feet from her and was thrown with enough force that she immediately had a bump the size of a half dollar (no exaggeration, I have pictures) which was quickly accompanied by a bruise.  Later that night she exhibited some strange behavior, so naturally we ran our first born daughter to the ER.  I think we spent more time defending what happened then she did being checked out.  Five hours later she was fine and the staff was satisfied that we did not neglect or beat our daughter.

Today, I took my son to school after a long winter absence made longer by RIDICULOUSLY cold weather.  You can imagine that I was not thrilled to be dropping of a boy with a black eye. 

It's not super bad, but it's definitely a black eye and it's moved to that lovely green and yellow phase.  His teacher noticed it immediately and asked how it happened and I had to tell her.  The truth is, his 20 month old sister head butted him.  She gave me that polite, "Sure, that's what happened look", (at least that's what I thought she was thinking), and went back to getting everyone ready to learn.

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