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I have three fabulous children and a terrific husband. I was recently laid off and have decided to try the stay-at-home gig. We'll see how it goes!

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Smelly Kids' Room

In our old house, our kid's rooms would occasionally have a stuffy, bad foot odor-like smell.  I thought it was due to a combination of poor air circulation and the afternoon sun that would bake their rooms every afternoon.  Apparently I was wrong because the smell has followed us to our new home.  I cannot pin it down.  I thought it might be dirty laundry, but I've scoured their rooms and have found no random socks or underwear hiding anywhere.  Their clothes are washed every week, so it's not like the clothes stay in there long.  It can't even be their shoes because all of their shoes are stowed in the mud room.

So where is the smell coming from???!!!  I promise my kids are bathed regularly, clothes and bedding are washed.  The diapers are taken out to the trash as soon as they are removed from the little booty who produced the messy diaper.  Our room doesn't smell and neither does any other room in the house.  Why their rooms?  I can't figure it out.

For now, I keep the windows open as much as possible and I'm investing in some Febreeze.  Something's gotta work.

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