About Me

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I have three fabulous children and a terrific husband. I was recently laid off and have decided to try the stay-at-home gig. We'll see how it goes!

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

The Boy

The following incident perfectly exemplifies my son's personality.  I was in the kitchen when my daughter came in and said, "Mom, come look."  I hate when my children say that.  It could mean everything from there's dirt on the window to my brother just cut his arm off.  This time it meant that my sweet little boy had decided to swing from the chandelier like some cartoon super hero running to save the day.  Unlike cartoon chandeliers, ours does fall from the ceiling when a 37 pound boy swings from it.  I found the chandelier hanging from the safety cable and my son cowering behind his tool box, peering over the top with his 'please don't be mad at me' smile on his face.  He turns four tomorrow.  We're in trouble.

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