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I have three fabulous children and a terrific husband. I was recently laid off and have decided to try the stay-at-home gig. We'll see how it goes!

Thursday, July 31, 2014

Phone in the water!

Holy cow!  Fifteen years of owning cell phones and I have never permanently injured one. But in a moment of mommy brain-numbness my phone ended up in the toilet. Yes the toilet!  Thankfully a clean water toilet, but ugh all the same.  Luckily we live in a place where I can replace the phone immediately, except for the fact that I have 3 children and my husband works 60-70 hours a week when he is in town.  And I'm not about to take 3 kids to a store for 1-2 hours to get a cell phone.  

Thankfully my wonderful husband was able to get off a little early and was even kind enough to arrange for a babysitter.  We don't have a home phone and without a cell phone I was unable to communicate.  I even tried to go by her house to see if she was available.  It felt very uncomfortable to stop and visit some one without calling first.  

So I had to go 24 hours without a phone.  This totally sounds mellow dramatic, but life without my phone for 24 hours... SUCKED!

I felt disconnected, lonely, and utterly lost.  What if something happened?  What if some one tried to call?  What if I needed to look at Facebook?  What if I missed a terrific post?  What if the moon turned to blood or the Earth stopped spinning?  I was actually a little twitchy.  I had to keep reminding myself that everything would be OK.  If some one had to wait 24 hours to hear from me they would not burn up and die.  Because the truth is no one ever calls (at least no none I want to talk to - there's a telemarketing group that won't leave me alone!) and nothing ever happens.

The real problem was I couldn't get all information NOW.  I didn't have a cell phone until I was 21 and I did just fine without it.  Somehow my friends and I always found each other.  My husband talked me into it and on our second date he took me to get my first phone.  I barely used the thing until I had kids, didn't text until about 3 years ago and I held off getting a smart phone for several years.

What I was afraid would happen, has happened.  I am dependent on my phone.  Even for things that don't require the phone.  I feel naked and unequipped without it.  CRAZY!  Lord help us if there is ever a major catastrophe where all cell phones are rendered useless.  No one would know what to do with their hands, or what time it is, or how to have a conversation, or plan a meeting.  

I have my new phone now and feel much better.  Thanks to the cloud I have all my contacts and everything.  I feel whole again.  Very sad.

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