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I have three fabulous children and a terrific husband. I was recently laid off and have decided to try the stay-at-home gig. We'll see how it goes!

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Getting rid of baby... stuff

The time has finally come to start getting rid of baby stuff.  My husband and I have not decided 100% that we are done, but we are about 98% sure.  We've had a lot of the "stuff" for 8 years and while it has served it's purpose, I really don't want to store it anymore.  I have a friend who could really use a lot of it, so I thought it would be perfect to give it to her.  And she is grateful.  What I didn't anticipate, was how weird I would feel about it.

Getting rid of the stuff really solidifies that we won't be having anymore kids.  I really don't want to be pregnant again and having a fourth person in my life that screams at me all day just might send me over the edge.  Still, it's sad.  

I'm not much of a pack rat and don't normally get attached to things, but I nearly cried when I saw the saucer and swing go into my friend's car.  There are so many memories tied to those objects.  All three of my kids enjoyed the saucer and even though our son cried every time he got near the swing, I remember that.  My oldest spent hours in the swing.  She loved it and still loves to swing.  It's hard to explain the ache in my heart.  It's not like I've lost anything.  My children are still alive and healthy and I remember practically everything; their first hurts, their first laughs, their baby talk, everything.  Maybe it's time that's making me sad.  My children will only be babies once and never again.  This signals the beginning of the end.  Soon they'll be in high school, then college (hopefully) and then they'll get married and start their own lives...... without me.

I know it's way too early to be this kind of upset about my children leaving me.  I guess I just need to look on the bright side; if the economy keeps up this way, they may never be able to leave our house. 

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