Never say never is a great old saying that I try to abide by. But right now it feels like my children NEVER listen to me. It's not the usual things that they ignore like directions to get ready for bed or to turn off the television. It seems like even when they ask me a question they don't bother to listen to the answer. I get interrupted in the middle of a sentence like I don't even exist. It's the craziest thing. Somehow what I have to say is not important, relevant or even interesting. I have to admit, that hurts a little bit. I tried not talking, and they just got mad at me because I was "ignoring" them. What?!!!
My biggest concern is that they will ignore me when it is essential that they listen. If they are about to get run over by a car, I want them to stop when I yell, "Stop!". I saw an episode of "Super Nanny" that addressed this problem. Jo said the problem was the children had actually learned to completely tune out their mother's voice and she needed something else to get their attention because no matter what she did, her kids could not hear her while they were distracted.
I am starting to wonder if my being home has made my voice so monotonous to my kids that they've learned to completely block it out. Maybe I talk to much and now all my kids can hear is "wah, wah, wah" like adults in Peanut cartoons. Jo solved the problem by introducing a bell. Maybe I should get a blow horn. That would be hard to ignore.
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