I have found that one of the biggest side effects to being a SAHM is that I'm always the heavy. It's not my husband's fault; I'm just alone with the kids more. I'm the one who has to break up fights, make people practice piano, call them in from outside, cut the fingernails and uphold the punishments. While on vacation I left the two oldest with my husband and they didn't even care. It really hurt. I asked for a hug because I wouldn't see them for a few days and they couldn't even be bothered to get off the couch. They just said, "See ya', mom", and that was it. Not even an "I love you".
My husband goes to work for the day and when he comes home, they practically throw a parade. It's about 3 minutes of screaming, "Daddy's home! Daddy's home!". He can barely walk in with all the children blocking the door. Even the baby. She gets a glimpse of him and tumbles end over end trying to crawl to him while waving her arms in joyful hysteria. If he leaves the room they ask where he's going and how long he'll be gone. The kids break out in dance for me too, only it's when I leave the room.
I know it comes with the job, it would just be nice to be greeted with hugs and kisses and smiles instead of sighs, rolling eyes and whines. They seem to think every time I open my mouth I'm going to be giving them bad news. If I greet my daughter at her bedroom door in the morning, I get rolled eyes and an "I know, time for a shower". Just a year ago, she would have said, "Hi Mommy. Good morning." and given me a giant hug. No more. Now I'm the rule monster. Oh well.
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