Three year olds are an interesting breed. They can do some things on their own, but still require supervision to make sure they don't cut their fingers off when using safety scissors. My son can change his own Pull-Up, but refuses to pee on the potty on his own. The other day we were at the store and he insisted on getting a drink from the drinking fountain. He really wants to be able to get a drink by himself like his big sister, and he's almost big enough. So I had to pick him up, which isn't really a big deal, except that he was so excited about being allowed to use the drinking fountain that he forgot where his mouth was and ended up sloshing water all over his face and onto my foot. He had to have gotten twice as much water on my foot than he did his mouth. I then got to spend the next five minutes walking around the store with my foot slipping on the wet sole of my sandal. Totally awesome.
My oldest has always been a talker and she would ask tons of questions, but my son is like a 20 questions App that's stuck on repeat. He NEVER stops. Maybe it's because I'm home all the time now, but I can only take so much. He will ask me the same question no less than 10 times in 10 minutes. For example, today I told him he could have banana bread for a snack a few hours before snack time. BIG mistake. I was bombarded with the question, "Can I have banana bread for a snack?" no less than 120 times. A few times while I was cutting the bread and putting it on the plate! I don't understand the need to ask over and over again. My answer didn't change and I don't lie to my children. If I tell them I'm going to do something, I do it. There is absolutely no reason for him to think I would not give him banana bread and yet he felt it was necessary to make sure over and over and over and over again. I know this is just a phase, but my daughter is seven and she hasn't completely grown out of it.
I try to focus on the knowledge that in a few short years they will quit talking to me and I will be like a 3 year old constantly asking them the same question, hoping they will respond.
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