About Me

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I have three fabulous children and a terrific husband. I was recently laid off and have decided to try the stay-at-home gig. We'll see how it goes!

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Is every day a Saturday?

Ever since my dad retired his motto has been, "every day is Saturday".  He likes to say that about my being a stay at home mom also.  At first I liked the idea because I loved Saturdays.  I got to play with my kids, hang our with my husband and not go to work.  Now that I don't work, I still like Saturdays, but for a totally different reason.  My husband is home.  I have help doing my job.  Saturdays no longer mean getting to play with my kids and hang out with my husband.  Now they mean I have a chance to maybe get an hour to myself, or sleep in a little. 

Unfortunately, I don't always get a break from my job.  All week long it's my job to cook, clean and play/entertain the kids.  It's my job to do it on the weekend as well.  My husband helps out, but I never really get a break.  In the few months I've been home I have occasionally been able to go to the grocery store myself and the other day I went to the doctor alone.  No matter what I get to do alone, I still have to rush home to make sure I can feed the baby.  Right now my life is very much not my own as  I am at the mercy of a two month old.  I know she could be given a bottle and I could get away longer, but then my nursing schedule would get all messed up and I don't want to risk getting mastitis again.

Oh, how I long to sleep in until 8 and be able to make a meal or take a shower without playing 20 questions with the kids.  It seems like before I can finish one request another has already been submitted.  I'm busier at home than I ever was at work.  In a few years all the kids will be in school and they won't want to have anything to do with me.  So for right now, I think I'll just enjoy the time I have with my kids.  In fact I have to go change yet another poopy diaper right now.  Oh happy day!

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