The Common Sense Gene, where is it? and how can I turn it on in my children and at least 50% of the adults around me? I would love if there was some kind of serum in a dart gun. Then I could get the satisfaction of hurting the moron a little bit while eliminating their moronism (I made that word up). Kids will be kids and I don't really expect them to have too much common sense, but does it really take a genius to know that you don't swing from a chandelier or jump off your bike while it's moving because it's going "too fast".
It's the adults who lack common sense that drive me the most crazy. Like letting your child who is 50-100 pounds overweight suck on a bottle of Mountain Dew all day and then claim to have no idea why their child is fat. Or stop, and I mean STOP, in the left lane of a 70 mph interstate so they don't miss an exit. That brilliant move has happened in front of me at least twice. There is nothing more stomach turning than seeing the 20 or so cars in front of you suddenly split off into 10 different directions, all for an idiot who is dumber than a gnat.
Just last night, my family and I spent nearly 40 min waiting to turn right onto the street to our house after watching the town's fireworks. That's to be expected at something like that, but what is not expected is that we couldn't turn because some one about 50 cars in front of us wanted to turn left. And while there was absolutely no traffic going right, it was impossible to turn left. The worst part is, if that person had turned right and just gone around the block, it would have taken a tenth of the time for him to get to the street he wanted on.
It was RIDICULOUS! People who wanted to turn right finally went to the left of the jack ass and turned right around him. At least 10 cars did that, which was awesome because finally the traffic was moving. But then of course other highly intelligent left turners decided they didn't want the people turning right to be able to leave before them, so they moved to the left making two left turn lanes and ZERO right turn lanes!!!! That was super RIDICULOUS! Next people resorted to driving in the grass to get around the double lane of common senseless, self-absorbed ninny heads.
After all that time we finally made it through and made it home before any of the left-turners ever made it out of the parking lot. If only I had a dart gun!
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