When it comes to my weight, I've been lucky. In high school and college I could eat like an NFL line backer and not gain an ounce. After college I had to cut back to eating like a high school line backer. I exercised daily and when I was pregnant the first time I was in pretty good shape. I worked out during and was able to get back in the gym immediately after. It took about 3 months to get back to where I was pre-baby. And that's after I had gained about 75 pounds during the pregnancy! I had a fried potatoes and ice cream problem.
Life changed after we moved and I had less time to exercise. I didn't gain any weight, I just lost some definition. I got a little exercise during my second pregnancy, but I did manage a few times a week on the elliptical after he was born. I certainly couldn't eat like a high school line backer anymore. I was eating more like a really hungry 20-something. While most of the baby weight was off in the first 4 months, it took nearly a year to lose all the baby weight.
Now it's almost 8 years since I had my first child and the weight just won't come off. I get more exercise than I did with my second child, so I guess the issue is that I'm older and my metabolism is slowing. I've had to slow my eating to a normal 20-something just to maintain where I am now. To get the last 20 pounds off, I have decided to cut out all sweets and probably all snacks.
I'm two days into my meal plan change (I don't diet) and I have succeeded. I have had no sweets; which is mega huge for me. I haven't even snacked. I did get to finish my son's popsicle tonight, but it was made from fresh squeezed tangelo juice, so that doesn't count. I haven't lost any weight yet (and I only say that because if I had eaten that little when I was 22, I would have already lost 3 pounds), but I'm hopeful my strategy will work. I also jumped for 45 minutes with my son at a bouncy house place yesterday and did 30 minutes on the elliptical today. My goal is to have it all off before my daughter's first birthday. It's going to take some major will power, but I'm up for the challenge.
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