The story I am about to tell is not unknown to millions of parents around the world. Poopy, wet, smelly things happen to everyone, but in my house it just doesn't seem to happen to my husband. It's like the children wait for him to be gone. Of course, it may just be my imagination and underlying martyr syndrome that makes me feel this way, but it really doesn't ever seem to happen to my husband... at least not all at the same time.
First, my baby pooped her pants. No big deal really. It literally happens all the time. This one was a little smellier than usual, but no big deal. As I was starting to take care of it, my newly potty-trained son came in and announced that he not only peed his pants, but also pooped in his pants. Again, it's not like this sort of thing hasn't happened before, but he was in underwear. Yuk! So, I finished with the baby and went with my son to his room so he could show me where the mess was and we could get his pants, socks and underwear off.
Unfortunately, I placed the freshly changed baby right on top of the biggest wet spot! I then proceeded to carefully take the soiled 'Mater' underwear off my son. Truly a fun job when the whole time he's trying to get out of them as fast as possible, and I'm trying to keep the poop in the underwear and off the floor and his legs. I got to rinse the underwear out in the toilet; always my favorite job and then throw the boy in the tub for a good cleaning. Once that was done, I got to change the baby out of her pee covered onesie, into something a little dryer and a lot less smelly.
And then I went to make lunch!
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