My daughter's last day of school before summer and I dropped her off in my pajamas. I almost made it to the end of the year, but today I just could not get ready in time. Thank goodness my dad was with us because we actually got her to school a few minutes late and she needed to be signed in. Normally I would have no problems going into the school in my PJs, but the school was having their 5th grade graduation this morning and I would have had to walk through all the parents and grandparents who were there for the ceremony. While I totally would have done it I'm afraid it would have really embarrassed my daughter and my husband if he were to find out. Even my father, who NEVER gets embarrassed about anything, seemed to be upset about my mismatched robe and PJ attire.
It's not that I couldn't have gotten ready. In fact if I had ignored the things that I needed to do and just focused on what everyone else needed I would have had plenty of time. Unfortunately, I have mastitis and I HAD to pump after feeding the baby. Unfortunately, that made it impossible to turn the TV to the channel that my son wanted, to help my daughter get her stuff ready for school and of course impossible to put some clothes on; that is if I wanted to eat and go to the bathroom. I could have gotten up earlier, but last night was rough between the baby fussing and the dog vomiting everywhere, I just didn't get much sleep and the idea of getting up at 6 was just not appealing. As it was, I rushed through breakfast and barely got my son and daughter dressed before it was time to go. I don't know why I feel so overwhelmed. I have time to get done what I need to do, but I have no time to get anything done for me. I've even been interrupted while writing this no less than 5 times. I guess that's just the life of a SAHM. Unfortunately It's very frustrating and I am not the best person I can be when I'm frustrated.
I felt really good yesterday. I managed to get some areas of the house cleaned up and even got some errands done. But it wasn't enough. I feel like to make everyone happy I needed to have done more. But I am just one person. I can't do everything that everyone wants. I can't do everything that I want.
I know it's selfish to want to do something for myself, but sometimes there are things that I have to do. I need to learn how to balance or I'm going to be one angry mama.
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