I can only hope to one day reach the teaching prowess of my husband. He has this fabulous way of giving our children life lessons; very valuable ones and even ones that I would never think to offer. You should hear his 15 minute talk on how the radio works. Their faces say it all. Our children will certainly benefit from his vast knowledge of how the world works. I am very grateful for all he teaches them. Some can even be quite entertaining. The other day he had a fabulous conversation over lunch with our oldest daughter that went something like this:
Dad: "Honey, eat your carrots, don't just dip them in the ranch and suck the dressing off."
Daughter: "I'm eating the carrots daddy. See." (She dipped it in the ranch and took a big bite)
Dad: "I know you're eating the carrots, but you're going to run out of ranch before you're done with the carrots."
Daughter: "What?"
Dad: "You want to try and plan how much dip you use with each carrot so you have enough for all your carrots."
Daughter: "But it's yummy this way."
Dad: "I know, but now you're out of dip and you have 3 carrots left. Your dip to chip ratio is all off. Trust me, these are important life skills."
Daughter: "What, did you take a dip class or something?"
I laughed for about 8 hours. I love when kids make a joke and they have no idea why you're laughing. I think she did learn the lesson though. The next day she had carrots again and the dip didn't run out until she ran out of carrots.
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