I am what some people may call cheap. I prefer frugal. Now that I'm at home all day, I am concerned about just how high our electric bill is going to get, so I have spent the last two weeks running around the house like a crazed monkey turning off lights. It amazes me how often lights are turned on and left on unnecessarily. Kids being kids I have had to really work on their bad habits. Turns out my husband is also an electricity wasting culprit. I confronted him with the joking tone I often use when I want him to change something, but I don't want to sound too serious. His response was one of mild irritation, but mostly a pretty funny, sarcastic retort.
He's always got a real zinger waiting for me and while leaving a light on for an extra five minutes is not really a big deal, it does bring to light a true concern I have about staying home. I want to give all I can to our family and while I know staying home is a huge contribution, it doesn't feel quite the same as bringing home a pay check. I am capable and have the education necessary to bring more money into our household, so I feel like I'm slacking and not doing everything I can to provide for my family. I know this is crazy! Money is not everything and I will never be able to buy this time back. It's another issue I am going to have to work through.
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