Yesterday, I was having a rough day. I was feeling left out of church, left out of friend's lives and just plain left out of life. I wasn't feeling important. I know I'm needed at home, but I don't always feel needed. My kids are too young to really appreciate what I do for them and what I've sacrificed to make our home life better. Therefore, I don't feel overly important at home. That used to be OK because I was important at work. Man, it felt great to be needed; to have people running up to me asking for advise or help with a project. I was important.
After talking all this over with my husband, I got to go to the grocery store by myself. I love doing that. I can actually look for better deals and use my coupons to their fullest value. It's awesome. It also gave me time to really think about my need to feel important. I thought about people needing my help and being thanked for my help. What I thought very little about was the actual helping part. I enjoy that part. I'm a "Martha". If there's a task to be done, I'm your girl. But what I finally realized is that I have plenty of that part at home with my family to keep me busy. What my ego needed was people realizing they need me. And when I thought of it that way, I felt incredibly stupid and selfish.
As I was driving home from the grocery store all I wanted to do was play with my kids. I needed to make them feel important. They are why I stay home and I want them to know I happily and without any regrets choose them over anything else. Once I got the groceries put away, I joined my kids out on the trampoline. It was so much fun! I really have terrific, fun, outgoing kids. And my husband and I are very lucky.
I must stress, however, that a woman who has had 3 children should NEVER, EVER, NEVER jump on a trampoline without leak guard protection!